Lily Tomlin and Jane Wagner, to their credit, have been together for so long that they absolutely demolish the Hollywood stereotype about celebrities being a monogamously-challenged bunch. Apparently, they immediately clicked when they first met and became a couple right away. Amazing, we know! What’s even more amazing is the fact that they’ve been together since 1971, which is longer than many people have been alive! When the couple was asked about the secret to their long-lasting relationship, their response was simple: mutual “respect and admiration.”

They said they have a lot of differences, but it’s those two concepts that have kept them together for so long. Tomlin is an American actress, writer, comedian, singer, and producer. Jane Wagner is well known as Lily Tomlin’s comedy writer, collaborator. She is an American writer, director, and producer. She also told out to magazine “Instead of working for the survival of the fittest, we should be working for the survival of the wittiest – then we can all die laughing.”
